Install Ruby on Rails
This method worked for me(Ubuntu Gnome 14.04) 1. sudo apt-get update If there are errors you would most probably not be able to run 5th command, you can follow note below here or after the command as you want. 2. gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3; Even if this command doesn't work don't worry because it didn't works for me too but I got ruby on rails installed then too. :P If above command doesn't work then try this command: curl -sL | sudo -E bash - 3. /bin/bash --login 4. curl -L | bash -s stable; 5. source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm; 6. rvm requirements; If here problem comes then refer to note below and run the command from starting after following the note. 7. rvm install 2.1.2; 8. ruby -v So to get little excited you can run this command that you have at least ruby installed on your system 9. rvm use 2.1.2 --default; 10. rvm rubyge...